Bagicz Airport is a post-Soviet airport, part of which is managed by the Baltic Aeroclub. In the summer season, sightseeing flights and skydiving are organized from the Poznań Aeroklub Poznań invites you to fly by plane AN-2 (popularly known as Antek) to Bagicz airport. Bagicz is located about 8 km from Kołobrzeg (towards Sianożęt). Those resting by the sea have a wonderful opportunity to see the seaside landscape from a bird's eye view. Flights will operate daily between 14:00 and 7:00 p.m. We welcome all small and large aviation lovers. Antek takes 12 people on board. Flights will last about 15 minutes (time calculated from the moment of taxiing of the aircraft) .Flight booking — tel. +48 500 123 368.Aeroklub Poznański — Certified Air Carrier AOC Nr PL 016/13.