Staying in this aura relieves allergies, has a beneficial effect on the immune system, can help cope with nagging diseases and ailments such as bronchitis or sinusitis. In the local climate, people suffering from respiratory diseases, who are struggling with disturbances in the work of the thyroid gland or heart muscle will feel better. The microclimate also has a beneficial effect on our appearance; the breeze oxygenates and moisturizes, sea salts cleanse and tone the body. Contact with the quality fine sand of the beach provides our skin with a natural scrub, much healthier than the one we achieve with the help of factory cosmetics. Haystęty therefore functions as a full-fledged health resort, where regeneration has both spiritual and physical dimensions, strengthening the body in an almost comprehensive way.
Haymakers can boast a unique local climate, with wide healing properties. In our region you can breathe deeply the best air in the country, coming from the Baltic Sea and the North Sea. Nowhere in Poland or Europe in marine conditions is such a high concentration of iodine (reaching up to 2.53 micrograms/mm3). The air is saturated with valuable marine aerosols. In addition to iodine, they also include magnesium salts, bromine, calcium and sodium chloride. Under the influence of aerosols, the vital capacity of the lungs increases (which is especially important in the youngest). The microclimate is also shaped by vast resources of brine water and mud, and one of the highest number of hours of sun in the country per year. Healing sea breeze promotes well-being, mental and biological restoration.